I thought I was going to miss this musical as it coincided with the 10th International Advisory Panel hosted by the Prime Minister which was a very busy week for me as I was heavily involved - ahh, my work, see? That's another story altogether but I took a gamble and bought my tickets for the final show of the season which fell on a Sunday night.

My Fair Lady musical was held at Plennary Hall, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre between 14th - 20th May 2007. A snap of the stage from where I was seated

The Programme for the night which cost some RM50

My RM250 ticket
I'd say that Plennary Hall wasn't the best of venues for a classy musical (or rather, MFL didn't have a very professional local event organiser) since they announced the start of the musical 10 minutes later, actually allowed typical Malaysians who turned up late to enter the doors even after 15 minutes to the play (on top of the 10-minute late start time), with usherers shining their torches searching for seat numbers for those late Malaysians as though Plennary Hall was a blurdy cinema. Hello! Don't you know the rules? Start sharp at the time printed on your ticket, shut the doors and only allow late comers to enter during a break or intermission. *Sigh*
Apart from the boo-boos, the 3-hour MFL was one of the greatest musicals of all time with a cast from London comprised of seasoned theatre performers from London's West End live in Malaysia! My Fair Lady musical brought me down memory lane with signature tunes such as 'I Could Have Danced All Night', 'Wouldn't it be Loverly', 'The Rain in Spain' and 'On the Street Where You Live.' Ahh, that good ol' movie starring Audrey Hepburn.
Time to play a little tune and flex those stiff fingers. Now where did I hide all my MFL piano scores?
ps: The King and I musical is coming up in July.
Hint: I'm broke buying musical tickets. *snigger snigger*
Related post: Phantom of the Opera Musical
7 flowers for this post
Ah!! One of my all time favourite musicals. But had to give it a miss (and a lot of other musicals too) coz tak ada kerja, kenalah berjimat sikit. Sigh!
Bkworm | Homepage | 05.06.07 - 4:08 pm | #
wah. rm 250 ticket a piece. thats very costly. you must have enjoyed the musical very much.
Patrick Leong | 05.06.07 - 6:58 pm | #
Hehe... I have been buying ticket too. Not for musical, but for concert and Dancing with the Stars life performance!! Can't wait until the 30th of June. :P
fish fish | Homepage | 06.06.07 - 7:51 am | #
sounds like a good one!
MeiyeN | Homepage | 06.06.07 - 2:18 pm | #
haha, u can't run away from the Malaysian culture even thou it's a London musical. any mobile phones ringing during the show? ;p
kruy | Homepage | 06.06.07 - 6:00 pm | #
Bkworm: You're right about the jimat part. Hmm, now have to find waterfish to buy my next ticket. Muahahaha! Bad gurl!
Patrick: Wei, all the musical tickets are priced like that one wor. Darn expensive but what to do? They have to pay the cast and all the advertisements done. By the time it comes to the end consumers, we bear most of the cost lor.
fish fish: Dancing with the Stars, eh? Where? Will they ever come to our shores here? My, you will enjoy a lot of Broadway in the USA ler... *jeles look*
MeiyeN: Hey, should go try one with your hubby.
kruy: Oh ya hoh, forgotten to report that one. YES indeed. The mobile phone rang and that blurdy person actually answered it in the midst of the musical. So distracting with that little light from her/his mobile. Sheesh!!
Primrose | Homepage | 08.06.07 - 12:48 pm | #
so after that did you dance through the night, and the sext 24?
minus-ing the tic princessly sum, i guess I can offer you some cuppa of tehtarik if you run out of wine and flowers
and instead of the spa maybe go outside into the gardnern and have midnight showers?
ylchong | 08.06.07 - 10:12 pm | #
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