I lack sleep, I developed an allergy it's itching like hell, my scalp needs a massage, I need that damn bottle of miracle water, I've got to pay up a stupid summon which came after bribing OPSIKAP anyway, my bills are piling, my aching feet needs reflexology, the list is endless. But amidst all the daily fragments of lazy chores, this half of me needs to reconcile with my other half, which is not quite responsive, to make me whole again.
I'm very much alive!

Snapshots never lie.
I'm tired. My body needs rest.
*switches off*
10 flowers for this post
lol i often stay up late reading blogs.. and then wake up tired next day hah..
cyber-red | Homepage | 14.03.06 - 12:52 am | #
tired eh?
some z"lembu" have come home, so it's
to come for some "sizzling" steAk,
lamp- chic- KCarate chop also can-lah
7.30PM CitiNOtell! Tuesdae with no worries
ylchong | Homepage | 14.03.06 - 12:09 pm | #
What?? i just bribed my way out of a speed trap recently! how much was your fine for bribery???
yeahway | 14.03.06 - 5:54 pm | #
Hey Reta, actually me too. See those bags under the eyes? I'll sue blogspot. Haha!
Hi Desi, can't make it again. *sigh* Work, Desi, work.
I've been cheated of RM40 man, yeahway! And this new fine? RM150. KNN%$#@!
Primrose | Homepage | 14.03.06 - 9:40 pm | #
I absolutely get what ya meant. It's like after a long, tedious and pointless day at work, you'll then left the office feeling absolutely grumpy and was in an unbearably foul mood. A long car ride home didn't make things any better or somesort...hmmm..i totally understands how you feel because i am now at the same situation.
take care dear and plan for a holiday, i will as suggested by so many circle of my friend..very tired, really.
charlene | Homepage | 14.03.06 - 9:55 pm | #
treat urself to a good long rest over the weekend. a spa or a massage perhaps? ;p
kruy | Homepage | 14.03.06 - 10:48 pm | #
Same here. My body seriously need a long nice rest. Take care girl.
fish fish | Homepage | 16.03.06 - 3:42 pm | #
ooh! i see bags....drink more water lil one
foodcrazee | Homepage | 17.03.06 - 8:17 pm | #
Hi charlene, it's not about having foul mood or being grumpy. It's about not having enough me-time and too much to think about. That's all.
That's a good suggestion, kruy. I had wanted to but I needed to get a new bottle of my lavender massage oil first.
Hey fish fish. Take a long walk somewhere with your "lover" Olympus. It will relax the mind.
Really ah, foodcrazee? Can see bags ah? *sobs*
Primrose | Homepage | 18.03.06 - 12:39 am | #
There are no bags. All I see is the purest of beauty.
Friend For Life | 18.03.06 - 7:56 pm | #
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