Guess what?
It's Fondue House again, bebeh!
We decided to try the new cheese flavour and settled for mushroom cheese. It's got bits of cut button mushrooms and tiny bits of croutons for extra crunch in it. We ordered chicken wings to go with the meal. Yummy!

Since I have already tried the crumbed chicken the last time, we thought we'd try the beef steak cutlets instead. Not too bad. Cooked in butter, it's juicy and a little sweet-ish. Blended in quite well with the cheese dip.
Come dessert time, we were contemplating whether we wanted cake. But what's a fondue meal without the cheese and THE chocolate right?
Guess what?
We made dinner complete by trying out the chocolate fondue!!
There were a few flavours to choose from as well: Original chocolate, peanut butter chocolate, orange chocolate ...

That's our sweet little cute stove and hot bowl

We settled for the orange chocolate dip. The orange aroma was very appetising. Maybe it's orange oil/essence instead of real orange

Strawberries! You can also opt for banana and bread or exotic fruit platter and cakes

Crunched peanuts for coating

See? See? See?
It was a sinful dinner indeed. Gone were our diets for that night but worth every ounce put on, don't you think?
13 flowers for this post
love-shaped stove and bowl... really an indulgence.
kruy | Homepage | 07.03.06 - 1:45 pm | #
What diet ? lolz......cant put on that much with that one small meal lil sis....hehehehhee
foodcrazee | Homepage | 07.03.06 - 1:48 pm | #
Peanut butter choc??? Man~~~ that is so temptating. Stop seducing me!!! argh~
fish fish | Homepage | 07.03.06 - 6:28 pm | #
*grin *grin *grin
Aurora | 07.03.06 - 9:24 pm | #
OMG I love chocolate dip. What more ORANGE CHOCOLATE DIP. *mouth waters and floods Klang River*
Amie.Lee | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 3:37 pm | #
I feel like all my buttons are being pressed at the same time. I love Chocolate Orange!!
Imran | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 7:59 pm | #
Mmmmmmm... cheeeeeese... and yum! chocolate somemore ah... mmmmmmmm *meltsssssss*
raven | 08.03.06 - 10:26 pm | #
Hello kruy, and it's not even V-day. Psst! I can't steal this bowl home.
Ei foodcrazee, don't see the meal like small small like that you know. Fat content very high wor...
Hey fish fish! You love peanut butter ah? Neh, eat apple wedges dipped into peanut butter lar. Yummy!
Psst Aurora! *grin *nudge *grin!
Hi Amie, I know. I'm not a fan of choc but I cannot resist ORANGE choc anytime. Mmmm...
Hello Imran, anymore buttons left? *winks*
Wei raven, long time no comment wor. You'd better watch the choc. Afteds pimples all pop out then you know. Ahaks!
Primrose | Homepage | 08.03.06 - 11:24 pm | #
whoa.. yum yum *laughs* wei, take me there one day!~ my treat =D
seth.frostheart | Homepage | 09.03.06 - 2:51 pm | #
Hey Seth, thought you'd never come visit. Hehe! Take you there, no problemo! Just give me a shout and say "Hey Princess, let's choc and cheese!".
Primrose | Homepage | 09.03.06 - 6:03 pm | #
don't worry, i'm always around =) i'm a lurker ma...
will give u a call soon.. hungry *stomach growls* =D
seth.frostheart | Homepage | 10.03.06 - 2:04 pm | #
Now this is really something to share about! I'm gonna tell my dearest friend to try it when she's settled in KL. Oh, geez, is that in KL? =)
arGlene | 11.03.06 - 2:51 pm | #
Maybe consider getting your own fondue set? Then you could always have fondue in front of the telly! *that was once my intentions but had to give it up due to my extremely poor self control.*
sapphire | Homepage | 13.03.06 - 6:28 am | #
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