"Last angpau for you this year ha!"
"Err, thank you aunty."
"When will I get to yum lei geh hei jau (roughly translated as "When will I get invited to your prosperous (wedding) dinner)?"
"Err, I *sor hei already."
"You know ha, *sor hei also must cheng yum (also must invite to dinner)."
"Ya lar... you think you want to *sor hei, so easy ah?"
*Sor hei is literally translated as "comb up". In the olden days, maidens who do not wish to get married will tie their hair up into a chignon-bun to signify the end of single days
Gosh, and I thought an answer like that would stop them from asking me for the ###-th time each year without fail. Hmm, what other answers can I give, huh?
And guess what? While driving home on the highway, I was flagged down by the police (for speeding). Damn!
"Cik, tunjuk lesen memandu!"
*passed him my driving license*
"Cik bawa kereta 90kph. Highway ni 80kph saje."
"Oh, ya ke?"
"Ini Opsikap. Saman tak boleh kompaun, tau?"
"Tau, tuan."
*scribble scibble*
"Kereta cik dalam nama siapa?"
"Err, nama bapa, tuan."
"Oh, ingat dalam nama cik. Kalau nama cik, bolehlah saman."
*WTF? And so I got the hint*
"Err, boleh settle sini ke?"
"Suka hati cik lah."
"Nanti I settle, tuan tangkap I, macam mana?"
"I takkan tangkap cik punya."
"RM30 ok?"
Who says OPSIKAP cannot accept bribe? Cannot my foot! They still do, ok? Mine's a good example.
Oh well, Gong hei fatt choy, san keen lek chong to everyone.
Sang yee heng loong if you are in business.
Sam siong see seng in whatever your heart desires.
Pou pou kou seng in everything you do.
Ching chun siong gee and keep young always.

Gong hei, gong hei!
11 flowers for this post
Gong hei fatt choy to you .. and yours..!
i didn't think that corruption was this bad still in malaysia.. *sigh*..!
Mama BoK | Homepage | 29.01.06 - 5:22 pm | #
TSKKK Bad exampleeeeeeeeeee LOL
i wanna go get myself a cheongsam.. heard avenue K has for RM50 hmm =)
cyber-red | Homepage | 29.01.06 - 10:46 pm | #
Gong Xi Fa Cai, Prim! I too get questions like that everytime someone hands me an angpau. This year I just sat quietly and smiled. No questions wor! *laughs* Guess they got tired of asking Btw, so sorry to hear about your unfortunate brush with the law. Come over la and collect some angpau. I assure you, no questions asked!
raven | 29.01.06 - 11:00 pm | #
gong hei fart choy
michaelooi | Homepage | 30.01.06 - 4:50 pm | #
GOng Hei Fatt CHoy! Pouh Pouh Kou Seng!
foodcrazee | 30.01.06 - 6:33 pm | #
Hei MamaBok, this is call "Malaysia Boleh!" :D
Wei Reta, which shop sells for RM50? I also want! Tell me ok?
Ya hoh, raven, no questions but lots of food.
I wish each fart is my choy ler, michael.
Same to you foodcrazee.
Primrose | Homepage | 30.01.06 - 8:11 pm | #
^_^ Gong xi gong xi dear~ *iish* the police are still very mengsiasueykan. Hehe... one thing good of not going back for CNY is can avoid answering the ###th boring Q. I don't know why these people are more worry than us. Duh~
fish fish | Homepage | 31.01.06 - 1:20 pm | #
Is it just me or are all your pictures taken at a particular angle?
Anyway, Happy CNY to you.
Yuen Li | Homepage | 01.02.06 - 9:29 am | #
Hei fish fish! Ya lar, they so worry, don't know for what, hoh?
Hi Yuen Li. Not so. Quite a few from past blogs are taken by others. I guess I just have a habit of tilting to look into the cam. Heh!
Primrose | Homepage | 01.02.06 - 10:10 am | #
Dear Primrose,
Hahaha! i never thought an answer like this "sor hei" to all my relatives whenever they ask the same questions every year! Aren't we are supposed to be happy when receiving ang pow..but then again, i feel real embarrassing at that point of time.
Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family! btw, your cheongsam looks good on you!
charlene | Homepage | 02.02.06 - 1:17 pm | #
i ahvent gone yettttttt
will check it out dunno if still got now lol
cyber-red | Homepage | 05.02.06 - 10:44 pm | #
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