Notice the medicine behind me? The flu and cough bugs are crawling up to me. I must get better or else history will repeat itself. I was also sick last year 2 days before the Chinese New Year. Sigh.

She's a real cool colleague to work with. *smiles*
6 flowers for this post
I posted my reply in last post. But maybe not appear. Rewrite again.
About the link, everyone of them. Including the one in ur post or at the side column. Why?
fish fish | Homepage | 26.01.06 - 10:47 am | #
Arrrh! Sweetness-overdose! I'm getting the diabetes already!
amy chen | 26.01.06 - 1:48 pm | #
take care, dun get sick during CNY, sick-sick primose not pretty and sweet liao lor ;p
kruy | Homepage | 26.01.06 - 8:15 pm | #
picture taking is COOL. cooler when you're in it! :D
hey, heal yourself FAST!
arGlene | 27.01.06 - 11:33 am | #
I am drooling uncontrollably now. I wonder why....*drool*
Imran | Homepage | 29.01.06 - 12:45 pm | #
fish fish: Hmm, that's weird because I tried accessing my page from other places and I still get to the links. Could it be your browser?
amy: Cheh, diabetes meh?
kruy: Ughh! Hate flu pills! Yucks!
arglene: Hey there! Still got traces of the bugs but doing well.
Imran: Wait! I go get a bowl before your saliva drools all over the floor. *runs and hide*
Primrose | Homepage | 30.01.06 - 10:10 am | #
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