"Wei, why you look so sad one?"
"Huh? Where? What?"
"Neh, that photo in that blog..."
"Oh, errr..."
Conversation #2
"Checked out your blog. Girl so pretty, but look so sad wor."
"Pretty meh? Cheh!"
"But real life one better lor."
Conversation #3
"Weh, you melancholic still?"
"Huh? Whadaya mean?"
"There, your blog."
"Oh, errr..."
Ok, peeps! That wasn't a sad look. That was some dunnowhachacallit look. Heh! My mood changed as fast as wind today. Though tired, I'm smiling. Here. I have some proof!

Eh, not so nice. Another attempt?

Uh oh! Won't do with a slouch and a messy fringe. One more?

There! I swear, another snap of the same pic and I won't smile no more.
9 flowers for this post
i thought the pics look great!
kruy | Homepage | 25.01.06 - 1:07 am | #
The smiling face again. The look that I love most. Must be shopping therapy
chiki | 25.01.06 - 8:18 am | #
so cute!~ =D *purrrr*
seth.frostheart | Homepage | 25.01.06 - 1:34 pm | #
Wah, so sweet la! Won't be needing sugar in my coffee today lor...
raven | 25.01.06 - 3:10 pm | #
now that's cute! :P Ei, I never thought your hair is that long!
arGlene | 25.01.06 - 5:36 pm | #
*hugs* Hehe... for the not so happy looking past post.
*kiss cheek* for the 3 nice smiles. ^_^
1st time see your braided hair style. Tee hee hee
Hey dear, why I can't see your link one ar??? Been trying in many posts, failed. -_-""
fish fish | Homepage | 25.01.06 - 6:48 pm | #
missed you
whatuduberudu | 25.01.06 - 8:14 pm | #
Thanks kruy. I added your link.
Yup, chiki. Shopping therapy strikes again! This therapy is one that never fails.
Seth: :P *blush*
Eleh! You sure you didn't spit out bitter coffee after that ah, raven?
Hei Arglene! Yup, have long hair. Tried perming it but the curls won't stay.
Wei fish fish! Eeee! You so sweeet. *hugs back*
*kiss cheek back*
Which link you can't see? Email me and let me know lar. I'll check on it.
I'm here! I'm here, whatuduberudu.
Primrose | Homepage | 26.01.06 - 12:10 am | #
thank you so much for adding me. muaks!
kruy | Homepage | 26.01.06 - 8:12 pm | #
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