Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Minute Beauty

I woke up a little late this morning and whenever I am late, I wear a dress. Why? Because it's one piece. Because I don't have to match a top or a bottom. Because it has just one zip and no buttons. And this dress of mine? Pre-creased with dainty stitched red flowers, not printed florals. So it's long lasting and iron-free after washing. I love this dress. See?

However, there's something anal about me which I must do EVERYTIME I dress for work or to go out. I MUST have a matching pair of earrings and a bracelet. Without either, I will feel naked. Err, metaphorically. :)

As anal as I am, I donch have a matching pair of red earrings for this dress. I mean, I have red but the red's too bright to match this red. Aww, you know us girls!!! Pffttt! So, for the months that I have been wearing this dress, I will always pair it with silver. That's what they say. Silver goes with anything. I have been reminding myself everytime I put it on, that I should make myself a pair of red earrings and everytime I slid the dress off the hanger in the wardrobe, I would have to remind myself again. And again. And again.

So this particular morning, I want to procrastinate NO further. Make one NOW. Glancing at the clock in the room, I MUST leave the house in five minutes. So one minute is all I've got to whip up this pair of red earrings and never the need to remember ever again.

In a flash, I dug out two red swarovski crystals, a pair of earring hooks and two ball pins. Quickly slide the pins through the beads, bend it, cut it, loop it, dangle it.
Tada! My minute beauty!

The next four minutes? Well, one minute for lip balm, lipstick and blusher. One minute for a quick brush of that long mane and clip it up as usual. One minute to grab my work bag, my handbag and a quick bye-bye peck on the cheeks of my other half. And one last minute? Grab the car keys, get myself seated in my little red car, wait for the auto gate to swing open, and swift off!


Fish Fish said...

1 min?? Seriously, to make that cute pair??? You are "pretty sick"!

kruy® said...

i try to match my colors too - bra and panties need to be the same color else i feel weird, the color of my top and my earrings *wink*

Primrose said...

Heh, heh! Come come, I teach you how to make one. OR....you can "employ" me for 1 hour to make you 60 pairs. :) :) Cheap cheap as Christmas gifts for your friends, perhaps? Hehehe!

Primrose said...

kruy, yeah, I match bra and panties too... but the easiest is black. Muahaha!!