Yes, a new phone again. Well that's because the camera on my SE K800i kaput-ed. So here I am blogging from my 3-weeks-old (yet another) Sony Ericsson Cybershot. It's improved, compact, sleek with added features.
Buy it. It's kewl!
12 flowers for this post
new phone! nice one.... so envy
MeiyeN | Homepage | 20.06.07 - 1:50 pm | #
i like this phone. more so if it's pink color
charlene | Homepage | 20.06.07 - 2:17 pm | #
To be honest, until now, I still crave for K800i bec I really like it so much. I'm loyal to the brand actually!
And I can say (even though I am not used to being one) that I am envious of you! ha ha
The phone is really kewlll and superb!
Lene | 20.06.07 - 3:17 pm | #
i am always outdated when comes to mobile phones. i am still using nokia 3100. no camera just the basics. no added features but tahan lasak !
Patrick Leong | Homepage | 20.06.07 - 8:34 pm | #
Hey, I still use two tin cans joined by a length of string. Not much good for txting, though. For that, I use smoke signals.
Friend For Life | 21.06.07 - 12:07 am | #
wah, u really a princess eh, another new phone! mine kept warning "battrey low" all the time and i'm still sticking to it, no money buy new phone all thousands one
kruy | Homepage | 21.06.07 - 4:06 pm | #
Ha! Patrick, me even cham now, life with no hp. The function of my hp now merely as alarm clock. :p
fish fish | Homepage | 21.06.07 - 11:04 pm | #
Hi MeiyeN, envy what jiek? You got nice darling. I also want one. Ahaks!
Char, SE got pink phones. And Sony got pink cameras too!
Aah! I found another SE fan, eh Arglene?
Hi Pat, actually old phones are better. More tahan lasak. Can throw on the floor and won't break.
Hello FFL, no wonder it's been smoky around here. What were you trying to say to me??
Wei kruy, many phones tak sampai RM500 also got ler. Comes with vga camera some more. I only gatal want the 3.2 mp ma.
eh fish fish, in the USA, the phones some more canggih one wor... You no look see look see meh?
Primrose | Homepage | 22.06.07 - 1:23 am | #
nola. throw on the floor, sure break la. but even if break into pieces, after you assemble it back, still can pakai. it happened a few times already for my hp.
Patrick Leong | Homepage | 22.06.07 - 10:04 am | #
I WANT A NEW SE K810i too!!!!!!!
titoki | Homepage | 22.06.07 - 10:29 am | #
Im an SE fan indeed! But I have yet to solidify it by buying the latest ones, and that Prim, I still have yet to know when! ha ha
Lene | 23.06.07 - 11:21 am | #
hello primrose, i am here again. *Knock knock*..i also don't know why Arglene's not allowed members to post comment, i can't post comment..miss both of you..
charlene | Homepage | 26.06.07 - 10:58 pm | #
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