Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas

Christmas is barely 3 days away. Can you feel the excitement already? The intensity build-up, the lack of mood to work at work, the longing for Friday to come sooner, the jingles all around, the Christmas trees, the presents. Well, I'm already in the mood. And I'm pretty sure I'm speaking for most, if not all.

Then I tuned into the radio station in the morning. Heck, no Christmas jingles - yet - you know, the usual jazz. Then I walked into the office. Heck, where's the Christmas tree? Then I sat infront of the PC. Heck, so much work to clear. Presents? What presents? *I think I'm too old for them*

Oh, what the heck! It's Christmas - soon!

Here's wishing everyone a Merry Merry Christmas (from me and dawg)


And right after Christmas, depression sets in because:
1) Calculations of damages of post-Christmas expenses start
2) Nothing to look forward to once the New Year comes and goes
3) Losing the extra weight piled up from Christmas logs and cakes
4) Seeing RED all over next - Chinese New Year coming! *tuk chiang*


8 flowers for this post
beautiful girl you.. Merry, merry Christmas.
charlene | Homepage | 22.12.06 - 11:14 am | #


Sweetie, Happy Dong Zhi, Merry X'mas, Happy Boxing Day and a Happy New Year to you and your family!
titoki | Homepage | 22.12.06 - 4:08 pm | #


Merry Christmas!
Anonymous | Homepage | 22.12.06 - 5:09 pm | #


Meowy Christmas dear! ^_~
fish fish | Homepage | 23.12.06 - 9:48 pm | #


mari mari marry merri kerismas
tehtarik siew pau and banana cake?
drown youself in shandy and candy
once a year your waistline remake
~~ desi in knots and ribbons
ylchong | 24.12.06 - 3:12 pm | #


what a cute pic. merry x'mas my dear!
kruy | Homepage | 24.12.06 - 10:12 pm | #


merry xmassssssss
mrs jeff buckley | Homepage | 25.12.06 - 9:27 am | #


aww...what a sweet and nice pic of yours! merry christmas to you, hope that you had a great one!
MeiyeN | Homepage | 26.12.06 - 9:25 am | #


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