The hot, hot shower still made me feel cold. My temperature must be rising. Put on a piteous face and wallow in my bowl of cornflakes with warm milk just so I could take some stupid pills. I hate pills!
Anyway, can't keep my eyes open much longer.
But I did look fine this morning when I was getting ready for work. See?

15 flowers for this post
swallow them for me, girl... I know you can do it... and get well soon.
whatudu berudu | 29.08.06 - 10:52 pm | #
You look every bit the PrincEss in that photo, PrincEss. Absolutely radiant.
You're not pregnant by any chance, are you? That could explain both your radiance AND your puking.
If not, then I wish you a very speedy recovery. (If it is food poisoning, try a Yakult every two hours. Overpower the poisonous bad bacteria that cause food poisoning with their nemesis.)
Friend For Life | 29.08.06 - 11:45 pm | #
Gal, here big hugs from fish fish to you across the oceans. Make sure you recover ASAP. Rest more!!!
fish fish | Homepage | 30.08.06 - 9:35 am | #
Get lots of rest and get well soon. Hugs, hugs.
bkworm | Homepage | 30.08.06 - 10:38 am | #
OMG, your illness sounds exactly the same like my dad. Drink lotsa liquids and get yourself enough rest, ok?! *hugs*
titoki | Homepage | 30.08.06 - 1:47 pm | #
pre-merdeka stress sindrome?
malaysians suffer from all sorts funny fanny fonny syndromes, i just diagnosed a nu'e one -- just lasts for 24, so it's okay. Unless you wanna stay one more day away from work, then make IT 48! This is truly a Free world!
"AP Merdeka, Coffeegal!"
ylchong | Homepage | 30.08.06 - 2:48 pm | #
u look marvellous in the pic. agreed with FFL, yes, u indeed look like a princess. no wonder u say ur baju kurung/kebaya works wonder on the malay guys in ur office
drink lots of water. hope u feel better soon. must be the after haze sickness.
kruy | Homepage | 30.08.06 - 11:00 pm | #
I just want to say you looked nice, the Baju kebaya just suited you. And you actually looks pretty. Not so much make up, natural look. I like very much. :p
unlike me, if i don't put make up, i look very ugly, but of course, putting make up on me looks fake..meh..but you really look nice. drink more water~!
charlene | Homepage | 31.08.06 - 12:22 am | #
Hope you get well real soon..! you look lovely.. as usual..!
Mama BoK | Homepage | 31.08.06 - 4:54 am | #
I swallowed, I so did, you know? Whatudu, (berudu)? To get better, I must (Yoda impersonation). Ahaks!
Oh c'mon FFL, of course I'm NOT preggie (I wish) but no, I'm NOT. Think it was mild food poisoning.
Hey fish fish, across the ocean, I know. Can't wait to read more from your blog soon!
{{hugs}} Thanks, bkworm. I'm feeling better already.
Weh titoki. I'm feeling better already. Sure hope it WAS food poisoning.
Hi Desi, nah, I didn't even take any medical leave yesterday. And I am still going to work tomorrow.
Hey kruy. Thanks. Well...I think any ahmois in kebaya/kurung will look slightly different. I certainly hope it's either food poisoning or haze.
Hi Char! Minimal makeup is good. Preserves the complexion better too. Yeah, drank lots of water dy.
{{hugs too}} Thanks Mama Bok!!
Primrose | Homepage | 31.08.06 - 1:02 pm | #
charlene, i've been to your blog, you look ugly with or without makeup...
some anonymous guy | 31.08.06 - 1:36 pm | #
some anonymous guy~ If I know who you are, you damn fucking anonymous, you gila kah? you don't dare to given out name, you envy ke? if you like to criticize people, go see yourself first before blaming others!!!!!
Kelvin | 31.08.06 - 3:30 pm | #
GASP! I'm only away for less than 24 hours. Behave, please or read disclaimer. This is not a dissing portal.
annonymous: Be nice and don't show any disrespect to my fellow bloggers or you'll be banned.
Primrose | Homepage | 01.09.06 - 10:34 am | #
dearie, *hugz*.
charlene | Homepage | 01.09.06 - 1:54 pm | #
Ahh, I hate pills too, very much! Is that look feeling unwell? :P Take a good rest and get well soon. By the way, i sent you an email, find out what's it all about! :D
P.S. I hope you'd ban that 'anonymous' right away. We don't need bad people, do we?
Take care!
arGlene | 01.09.06 - 6:32 pm | #
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