Nice lamp posts. I think they have more than or about 3 designs in and around Putrajaya but read somewhere in the newspapers that the local company was sued for replicating the designs

The Putra Mosque. Impressive Persian architecture in dusky pink. It consists of a 116m tall minaret and can accommodate 15,000 people. Visitors are allowed to go in provided that they are covered (from top to toe). I think I saw some pink jubahs being handed out for this purpose. Otherwise, just wear baju kurung and a head scarf. I have never seen the inside of a mosque. Mental note to self: Go see it

The Seri Wawasan Bridge. Impressive landmark of Putrajaya. I read somewhere that this bridge is a combination of cable backstays and structural steel tie back, being supported solely by that triangular frame only (without support beams underneath). This bridge is a 2-tier bridge. Its upper tier is used for normal traffic flow while its lower tier is designed as a service tunnel, for light train transit system and a pedestrian walkway

Some government offices

Escalator leading down to the boulevard and for a closer view of the lake. Boatrides available too

Unique ceiling lamps

The (deserted) mall
Hmm, makes me wonder if Putrajaya will be made the new capital city after Kuala Lumpur one day. I have read that there are plans to make it be ...
3 flowers for this post
First, thanks for adding Coffee to go with my CON BF tomolo, for a change from tehtarik.
Knwoing you hate Horror movies, but seeing you have ventured into Double Ghost festive spirit, may I suggest you visit that "deserted" mall again from 11.30pm -- 12.30am. You be be inspired to do an M 'night Syamalan thriller -- I offer my script writin' to recoup some investment!
20mil is the inSENtive, LOL!
ylchong | Homepage | 27.08.06 - 12:38 am | #
wah, so keng ah have meeting with ministries?
i haven't been to Putrajaya, people say night view not bad, must go there one day.
why the deserted mall?
kruy | Homepage | 27.08.06 - 1:15 am | #
Why no pretty primrose in the pictures?!
titoki | Homepage | 28.08.06 - 11:17 am | #
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