With eyes that bury a past which tells a story whole...

Keep the head and chin up high, lo and behold...

Comes that faintest smile of an angel, above her a halo...
10 flowers for this post
ahem. are you selling something ? :p
Patrick Leong | Homepage | 25.02.06 - 2:17 pm | #
long time no blogging. just drop by and say hello. have a good weekend.
Patrick Leong | Homepage | 25.02.06 - 2:18 pm | #
hmmm...............sweet smile
foodcrazee | 25.02.06 - 7:16 pm | #
why, hello there... *nudge n laughs*
seth.frostheart | Homepage | 25.02.06 - 9:19 pm | #
Dear pretty primrose!
Yeah! you are a sweet gal! Gal, i guess you are younger than me. Isn't? Hehehe, just curious, i am 25 but look 30s..
Have a good weekend!
charlene | Homepage | 26.02.06 - 12:15 pm | #
soul searching in twilight
gal with a "souled" past?
you do a soulfool self portrait
Be thee a pseudo-Da Vinci delight?
ylchong | Homepage | 26.02.06 - 9:05 pm | #
ahh... beautiful primose looking lovely even in the looming shadow, i think it's your pink top that makes u "shine" in the darkness.. hehe.. eh, did u have ur lipstick on as well? ;p
kruy | Homepage | 26.02.06 - 10:46 pm | #
Hey Patrick, long time no see wor. I know. No internet access ma. Once you get it, start your updates, k? Me trying to sell my smile, can or not?
Hi foodcrazee...that's for reading all the yummylicious blog posts of yours.
Hello Char! No lah! You don't look 30 lah!
Wei Seth! Long time no nudge nudge wink wink wor...
Hi Kruy, I think I had gloss on.
Everyone do "searches" in their lives, don't we all? And why commented as Annonymous in that last post, Desi?
Primrose | Homepage | 27.02.06 - 12:52 pm | #
some chic tried to gatecrash a costume ball
wandering around for crazeefood et al
but the crazy hoRst undressed the bird
unmask'd, the shy avian guest disappear'd
annoying | Homepage | 27.02.06 - 4:25 pm | #
Ah~ that lovely smile. Hey hey... if you really selling your smile, there will be buyers earger to buy it. ^_^ Too bad, cannot eat one.
fish fish | Homepage | 28.02.06 - 11:45 am | #
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