Monday, February 06, 2006


Why is it that when you are honest, no one believes you? Why is that when you tell the truth, no one appreciates it? I'm not even saying that you should be taking or making the effort to be. I'm merely saying that it's plain honesty. Why is it that explanations become seemingly more difficult, so much so it sounded like a lie? Why?

Honesty, a delusionary state of deception;
Lies, the equivocal language of perception.

That's why.

8 flowers for this post
Poor gal..!
Mama BoK | Homepage | 07.02.06 - 7:01 am | #


Oh, so true. When anybody asks you "How are you today?", do you think they really want to know? They just want to hear what makes them comfortable. They just want the standard, glib answer "Fine thank you". If you tell people the truth about how you are, they won't ask again. They probably won't even talk to you again at all.

I know. I can't help but answering truthfully and that's why I'm so lonely. No-one cares for the truth. They just want a make-believe fantasy world.
Friend For Life | 07.02.06 - 8:47 am | #


thats life lil sis
foodcrazee | 07.02.06 - 1:19 pm | #


"Honesty, a delusionary state of deception;
Lies, the equivocal language of perception."

Wow, PR -- that's deep man.(and 'man' here is used as a complimen', nothin sexist, rite
Can I adjourn to Haridas to get a barel of tehtarik before I discourse on this quote?
Maybe ask bro Imran to get him to intercourse2?
Seya later!
ylchong | Homepage | 08.02.06 - 12:10 pm | #


*Hug* I help you to stuck chili padi into that person's mouth next time.
fish fish | Homepage | 08.02.06 - 12:47 pm | #


Mama Bok/foodcrazee: That's life and I so agree.

FFL: Yeah, never ask "Am I fat?" or "Do I look fat in this?"

Desi: Deep eh? Hahaha! I thought so too but meaning's nice between the lines. I like it.

fish fish: *giggles* Stick into the nose also can.
Primrose | Homepage | 09.02.06 - 12:12 am | #


No, PrincEss, you don't look fat in that. It really does a good job, though, of highlighting and accentuating your sensuous womanly curves.
Friend For Life | 11.02.06 - 11:26 am | #


siGh...complexity of things. It made me think of the song 'honesty'.
arGlene | 11.02.06 - 12:15 pm | #


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