Monday, January 09, 2006

Global warming

Cute little illustration. Refer to michaelooi's post on global warming and you will see what it means :)

6 flowers for this post
That's right, save them polar bears...
michaelooi | Homepage | 09.01.06 - 9:29 pm | #


Yup, yup, save the planet! Which reminds me... cancel beans tasting session tonight, check!
raven | 10.01.06 - 12:09 pm | #


^_^ Oops... is that mean we don't need to wear one in 2010? :P
fish fish | Homepage | 10.01.06 - 1:50 pm | #


michaelooi: Doubt my fart will travel that far worrr...

raven: Really ah? You wanted to check out Heinz ah? Haven't tried before meh?

fish fish: *giggle* I think that's what it means. Psst! Psst! Sometimes I can even forget to wear. MUAHAHAHA!
Primrose | Homepage | 10.01.06 - 11:19 pm | #


Hehe... not want to check out Heinz la. Cancel beans tasting session to cut down on methane emissions Theme here is to save the planet, remember?
raven | 11.01.06 - 10:58 pm | #


raven: But have you tried Heinz? They don't give me the farts though...
Primrose | Homepage | 13.01.06 - 12:10 am | #


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