Sunday, December 04, 2005


I was *just* about to post something when it started to pour. Ahhh, it is times like these that my reddish-pinkish, candy-striped clad bed seemed to beckon me sooner than I expect. Think I'll log off now and let the pitter-patter of the rain on my awning lull me to sleep...

8 flowers for this post
Sleep is good..!! i wish i could get more.. hahah1!
Mama BoK | Homepage | 05.12.05 - 1:20 am | #


Sleep.....such a luxury
chiki | 05.12.05 - 8:23 am | #


the rhythm of the fallin rain, eh? hey, mGf, don't let da rain take the fall for your l'ck of 'ritin'!
ylchong | Homepage | 05.12.05 - 9:33 am | #


sweet dreams primrose *smiles*
seth.frostheart | Homepage | 05.12.05 - 2:01 pm | #


Ahhh... nothing like some shuteye on a cool rainy night to revive a tired blogger.
raven | 05.12.05 - 2:37 pm | #


Now you've got me all sleepy - and I've to sit through three hours of lectures and tutorials this afternoon!
Yuen Li | Homepage | 05.12.05 - 10:05 pm | #


Sleep is going to be rare on Christmas month. *sigh* Heck, it's supposed to be winter. Even animals hibernate...
Primrose | Homepage | 06.12.05 - 2:27 pm | #


Sleep, is the most luxurious thing for me now.
fish fish | Homepage | 07.12.05 - 10:51 pm | #


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