Tuesday, December 06, 2005


*ring ring*

"Hello, Primrose speaking"

"Hi Primrose. We're making a cheque payment to you and was wondering if your name is what you have written here"

"Yes, of course!"

"So you have your English name in your identification card?"

"Yes, of course!"

"You mean your English name is in there?"

"It's in my birth certificate, if that's what you mean."

"Oh, ok. Just checking."

Few minutes later...*ring ring*

"Hello, Primrose speaking"

"Hi, there's someone by the name of Primrose who wrote her name as Primrose"

"Yes, that's me alright"

"So you have a Christian name?"

"Yes, it's in my birth certificate AND my identification card AND my passport because it's a name given to me at birth"

"Ok, ok, just checking"


I mean like hello, as if I don't know my own name when I wrote it? I mean like hello, what's wrong with these people? Hey, just because you don't have one doesn't mean others can't have one, alright? You mean Malaysians can't have English names in their...err, names? Ok, ok. I must admit that many would happily give themselves English names or Christian names, as how it was aptly quoted, like Lola or Mimi or Lily or Kiki (goddamn! 10 out of 10 where I am give themselves names) which was NOT given at birth but c'mon, who would name themselves Primrose? Heh! *snigger snigger*

But my point is...pfft! I think YOU know what MY darn point is and where MY darn point is heading. I wouldn't even bother reiterating.

8 flowers for this post

Patient, Primrose -- they are sending you a cheque!!
Random Reader | 06.12.05 - 2:18 pm | #


Hehehe!! i get this all the time..!!
Mama BoK | Homepage | 06.12.05 - 6:19 pm | #


hahahaha! u meant cheque under the name of Mama Bok ? chuckle
foodcrazee | 06.12.05 - 6:59 pm | #


Hahaha... you should have just told them to put it under your other "Christian" name -- CASH!
raven | 06.12.05 - 10:01 pm | #


PR: maybe the cheque maker wants a shorter nama
(S)he has a problemo with spello
So I have a solution
Replace PR with D-e-s-i-d-...errrata. Ooops, that's even long-er than p-r-i-mrose!
ylchong | Homepage | 07.12.05 - 10:28 am | #


well at least it's a cool name, not like PrimeRibs
KY | Homepage | 09.12.05 - 2:55 pm | #


lol @ KY

ooo chequey... hehe
cyber-red | Homepage | 13.12.05 - 7:23 pm | #


Yay! I got my cheque alright and was told "Ok, you continue to write what your name should be, ok?"

Primrose | Homepage | 19.12.05 - 10:13 am | #


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