My hugs and kisses and thanks to Amy Chen who spent hours drawing and modifying and uploading and troubleshooting and this and that for me. And I? I spent some hours mostly on small details and colour coordination. Great artist, isn't she? I have absolutely no creativity sense.

I went from boring grey/brown to pretty pink/fushia in half a day. Not bad, not bad!
So proud to have my own unique template at last. La la la tee da!
5 flowers for this post
Cool..!! i love it..!! more you .. more fun..!!
Mama BoK | Homepage | 07.11.05 - 12:25 am | #
It's a nice change (though pink isn't one of my fave colours). But of course, it's your blog, so you can choose what colour to use.
Amber Amethryne | 07.11.05 - 1:08 am | #
adoi! sakit mata! :P
seth.frostheart | Homepage | 07.11.05 - 12:31 pm | #
Hei MamaBok, think Chloe might like this too! Sugar canddddyyy!
Ah Amber, EXACTLY! The blog's MINE. Finally you've got the drift, aye? Phew!
Sakit meh, Seth? Pakai sunglass lerr...
Primrose | Homepage | 07.11.05 - 2:35 pm | #
AAAAHHHHH!!! Too pink! Too peeee-ink!
Yuen Li | Homepage | 08.11.05 - 5:04 am | #
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