Main ingredients

Base: About 20 pieces of chocolate-flavoured sweet biscuits. Note: You can substitute with oatmeal or Digestive biscuits
Filling: A block of 250g Philadelphia cream cheese (softened), slightly less than half a bowl of fine sugar (Oreo cream is sweet enough), a box of 200ml whipping cream, 5-6 pieces of Oreo cookies (broken into crunch sizes) and gelatine
Cheesecake base

Sweet biscuits, finely crushed and add a block of butter. Mix until combined. Press firmly into a flat plate (can use baking tin or a pie/casserole Pyrex flat plate) and refrigerate if you wish while preparing the filling.

Using electric beaters, beat Philadelphia cheese and that bowl of fine sugar. Gradually add cream and beat until smooth. Prepare 2 tablespoons of gelatine in half a glass of hot water (not boiling though) and stir well. Fold in gelatine into mixture and stir evenly with a wooden ladle. Fold in crunched pieces of Oreo cookies and stir evenly.
Topping (optional)

Pour mixture into prepared base plate. To prepare topping, remove Oreo cream from 2 pieces of Oreos. Finely crush 4 plain cookies. Sprinkle Oreo "powder" on mixture. Refrigerate till it sets.

Oops! I took a bite before taking a pic. Hehe! Munch, munch! Crunch, crunch!
12 flowers for this post
Gosh, you're really into cheesecakes, aren't you?
Yuen Li | Homepage | 02.05.05 - 4:37 pm | #
Hi Yuen Li! Hmm...that's because it's the only non-baked cake I know how to make! *LOL*
Primrose | Homepage | 02.05.05 - 4:41 pm | #
-_-" I shouldn't read this post. I'm kind of addicted to oreo lately, and with the cheesecake? Gonna kill me!
fish fish | Homepage | 02.05.05 - 5:42 pm | #
Wow!! yummy... gotta go get myself an electric beater now.. donch have one.. hahah!!!
MrsT | 03.05.05 - 8:03 am | #
Just so you know someone's actually tried your recipe, I made the orange cheesecake on the weekend for my wife. She was away at work all afternoon and I wanted her to have a nice surprise when she got home. Couldn't keep it a surprise though... she caught me buying the ingredients
We both loved the cake! Was really tasty and I even topped it off with some self-made caramelised orange rind (like the stuff you get in marmalades). Gave the dogs a treat with small pieces as well and their tails almost fell off with all the wagging.
M | 03.05.05 - 10:01 am | #
fish fish: Hello! Nehmind. When you come home, I make for you to sample, ok?
Hi MrsT, I used to just beat up philly cheese and sugar with a wooden ladle. Wow, good exercise.
Ooo, M! Caramelised orange rind? That's creative! Wish you had a pic to contribute. Try oreo cheesecake?
Primrose | Homepage | 03.05.05 - 2:35 pm | #
wah. oreo. i think mango cheese cake will be yummy too. wah...very hungry.
Patrick | Homepage | 03.05.05 - 7:31 pm | #
holy schmoly, I have to tried out your recipe for my boy hehehhe =) thanks for it!
cyber-red | Homepage | 03.05.05 - 10:13 pm | #
hmm.. do you mind to make one cake for me? I know i won't able to make myself a normal and simple cake, so i depending on you.. Ok kah?
Choo | 04.05.05 - 2:25 am | #
Ironic, Patrick. I was *just* thinking of making either mango cheesecake (using mango concentrate or real mangoes), coffee cheesecake or pineapple cheesecake. That is IF my fellow bloggies are not bored with my cheesecake posts yet.
Hi Reta! Yes, I read about your "holy schmoly" post. Try it out and let me know.
Sure, Choo. Which flavour? Hehe!
Primrose | Homepage | 04.05.05 - 2:36 am | #
Thanks to make me a cheese cake. I like the orange cheese cake as you mentioned last time. Ok kah? :D
Choo | 04.05.05 - 11:24 pm | #
how about tutti frutti cheese cake ? it is a challenge.
Patrick | Homepage | 06.05.05 - 10:44 am | #
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