Cheesecake base

You will need about 20 pieces of sweet biscuits, finely crushed and add a block of butter. Mix until combined.

Press firmly into a flat plate (can use baking tin or a pie/casserole Pyrex flat plate) and refrigerate if you wish while preparing the filling.
Cheesecake filling

A block of 250g Philadelphia cream cheese (softened), half a bowl of fine sugar, a box of 200ml whipping cream, 3 tablespoons of concentrated orange cordial and gelatine. For classic lemon cheesecake, skip the orange bit. Note: Juice from squeezed orange doesn't work. Neither does flavouring unless it's a baked cake.

Lemon juice (from one lemon) depending on your taste buds. You can use just half a lemon. Note: You can prepare grated lemon rind for classic lemon cheesecake or orange rind for orange cheesecake.

Using electric beaters, beat Philadelphia cheese and half a bowl of fine sugar. Gradually add cream, lemon juice and orange concentrate and beat until smooth. Fold in rind, if you have.

Just before you pour the filling into your base plate, prepare gelatine. 2 tablespoons of gelatine in half a glass of hot water (not boiling though) and stir well. Fold in gelatine into mixture and stir evenly with a wooden ladle. Pour mixture into prepared base plate. Refrigerate till it sets. Note: You can decorate chopped oranges on top of cheesecake before you refrigerate.

Wala! It's orange cheesecake - minus the frills (no rind, no oranges) because I was toooo lazy. :)
My sister loved it. My dad loved it. My mum loved it. My grandparents loved it. I'll take a piece tomorrow because I'm too lazy to eat. *ahaks*
16 flowers for this post
Ah, cheesecake - my favourite food before I decide to get serious about being healthy.
You've got me salivating & going weak at the knees and all jittery here, PrimrosE.
Oh, our PrincEss is such a TemptrEss!
Friend For Life | 23.04.05 - 10:45 pm | #
*giggle* It was the words "lemon juice" that got you salivating. *passing a piece of orange cheesecake to Friend for Life*
Primrose | Homepage | 23.04.05 - 10:50 pm | #
i would love it too..
MrsT | 24.04.05 - 4:48 am | #
Ummm... yummy,
I also want a cheesecake.... will it keep till august???
mancunian | 24.04.05 - 5:34 am | #
Still waiting for my piece of cheesecake, my dear
chiki | 25.04.05 - 9:25 am | #
Hi MrsT, can't send it through mail. I shall *virtually* pass you a piece and for Chloe too! Big gal food?
Aiyah Mancunian, I'll try make cheesecake that August weekend and bring it to the KL Convention Centre. How about that?
Really Chiki, how greedy. I thought I gave you a whole cake the last time - and the strawberry swirl one too, if I'm not mistaken.
Primrose | Homepage | 25.04.05 - 9:58 am | #
cool. i will try and make one during common dinner in my dorm in may. will let you know the outcome. but before that, any free samples ?
Patrick | Homepage | 25.04.05 - 1:24 pm | #
Hi Patrick, ooooo ... feel free to email me when you are in town and we can easily make arrangements. Uhmm, but must give me at least a week's notice for me to go buy ingredients and whip out the cake!!
Primrose | Homepage | 25.04.05 - 4:04 pm | #
in town ? ooo....i only go back to malaysia once a year. are you in KL ?
Patrick | Homepage | 25.04.05 - 4:50 pm | #
Spot on, Patrick!
Primrose | Homepage | 25.04.05 - 4:56 pm | #
Any chance of getting the BC to courier me a sample?
Yuen Li | Homepage | 26.04.05 - 5:57 am | #
goodness... seeing this in the morning really makes me hungry
minishorts | 26.04.05 - 9:40 am | #
Yuen Li: the time it gets there, it would probably be moldy.
Hi minishorts, I gather you have a sweet tooth?
Primrose | Homepage | 26.04.05 - 1:45 pm | #
Cheesecake in August at KL Convention centre it is then.
Actually am popping into town this weekend for some work. May pop into BC to organise something for August.
Maybe see you then.
mancunian | 27.04.05 - 4:21 am | #
Really, mancunian? Might just see you around here next week then.
Primrose | Homepage | 27.04.05 - 11:34 am | #
Even fish fish will love it. Man~ glad it is not a real one in front of me, coz I'll sure fail to resist it. -_-"
fish fish | Homepage | 28.04.05 - 4:22 pm | #
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