Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Life as it is

"You don't live life as it is." Someone remarked this evening.
"Yes, I do!"
"No, you don't!"
Adamant. That really sets my mind wondering. I took a longer route home from work today because I wanted to think. Nothing beats driving late at night with no traffic, needs minimal concentration, with no radio for distraction and silence when you tune your mind to it despite the noises around you.

Of course I live life as it is. Life is however I choose to live. Take one day at a time. Be independent sometimes. Accept whatever comes. Have a little carefree fun. Appreciate every little thing. Be grateful.

Of course I live life as it is. Have little or no expectations. Don't rush into things. Be cautious with matters of the heart. Make choices in life. Be simple with no frills. Be contented. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Heck, of course I live life as it is. My life is my own world. Life is littered with near misses and lost opportunities, no doubt but no one depicts its existence. I create my own reality. Now it's no wonder I'm still single because I live life as it is and I take life as it comes.

I am too stressed out. I hate it when this melancholic mode percolates. Somebody please lull me to sleep.

9 flowers for this post
* singing PrincEss a lullabye *
Friend For Life | 04.05.05 - 10:10 am | #


My dear princess, as I have mentioned to you earlier, do open your heart and eyes relating to matters close to your heart. Give others & yourself a chance. You might experience a beautiful new relationship.
chiki | 04.05.05 - 3:45 pm | #


"You don't live life as it is" doesn't make sense to me. It implies (to me) that you're living in a fantasy world, whereas you strike me as someone who has her feet planted firmly on the ground. Or perhaps there are sides of you I haven't yet seen?
Yuen Li | Homepage | 05.05.05 - 5:59 am | #


FFL: Slept ok. Maybe it's the imaginary lull.

chiki: The garden's open. People are treading in and out to sniff the blooms, sometimes pluck them.

Yuen Li: "You don't live life as it is" probably meant that I don't grab opportunities when it comes along. Or something along those lines. Well, I always believe in not rushing. Take time to observe, take time to sniff blooms.
Primrose | Homepage | 05.05.05 - 10:08 am | #


'i live life as it is': it is difficult to grab because if i have a hectic life, live life as it is ? i dont quite understand. i live life as i want. i used to chase after dreams. tiring. now i live a simple life. as long as i am happy. fast life, slow life, i live in the moment.
Patrick | Homepage | 06.05.05 - 10:38 am | #


Exactly what it means, Patrick. Live it the way you want it to be. Don't rush too much, don't chase too much. Live the moment. Hmm, I like that phrase: Live the moment.
Primrose | Homepage | 06.05.05 - 11:48 am | #


you live life as it is ... most of the time.
michaelooi | 07.05.05 - 10:59 am | #


Now you set me thinking about my own life too..??!!?? I never seems to have enough time these days.. *arrrggghhh..*
MrsT | 07.05.05 - 9:33 pm | #


Wah, how you know leh, michael?

I think, MrsT, that it applies to everyone that time is never enough. *sigh* Too much to do and too little time. Life is too short, that's what they always say.
Primrose | Homepage | 08.05.05 - 1:10 am | #


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