I'm back! *wave, wave* Hello world!
Here I am thinking that I can laze around a bit, catch up on other people's blogs and procrastinate on my own updates and whoa! I've been tagged by michaelooi and Yuen Li (last week) to do this meme post thingy. Ok, at least I don't have to do this twice!
So it goes like this. Below is a list of different occupations. You must select at least five of them. You may add more if you like to your list before you pass it on (after you select five of the items as it was passed to you). Of the five you selected, you are to finish each phrase with what you would do as a member of that profession. Then pass it on to three other bloggers.
Here's that list:
If I could be a scientist... If I could be a farmer...
If I could be a musician... If I could be a doctor...
If I could be a painter... If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary... If I could be a chef...
If I could be an architect... If I could be a linguist...
If I could be a psychologist... If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete... If I could be a lawyer...
If I could be an innkeeper... If I could be a professor...
If I could be a writer... If I could be a backup dancer...
If I could be a llama-rider... If I could be a bonnie pirate...
If I could be a midget stripper... If I could be a proctologist...
If I could be a TV-Chat Show host... If I could be an actor...
If I could be a judge... If I could be a Jedi...
If I could be a mob boss... If I could be a backup singer...
If I could be a CEO... If I could be a movie reviewer...
If I could be a monkey's uncle... If I could be a writer...
If I could be a bible archaeologist... If I could be an Ah Beng...
If I could be an Elvis impersonator... If I could be an Ah Lian...
If I could be a sexologist... If I could be a prostitute...
If I could be a librarian for a day, I'll be Rachel Weisz
If I could be a musician for a day, I want to play the classical harp or just simply blow a horn :)
If I could be a backup dancer for a day, I'll do it for Moulin Rouge Broadway - topless!
If I could be a midget stripper for a day, I would pray to be reborn as someone else in my next life
If I could be an Ah Beng for a day, I'll learn how to spiks powderful inglik
If I could be a sexologist in the near future, that would be a dream come true
Now who should I tag? Two only can ah? Patrick and my guest blogger, Friend for Life, who doesn't need to tag anyone else thereafter. :)
8 flowers for this post
An interesting exercise you've given me, PrincEss.
As I go through the list of choices, I can't help but thinking to myself either:
* I am, or have been, that in some shape or form at some point; or
* Why "if"? Why can't I be that, rather than just dream about what I'd do if I was?
Putting my self-critical thinking to one side and just answering the question:
# If I could be a doctor.... I'd rarely use the prescription pad, prefering rather to emphasis diet, exercise, forgiveness and love as the true keys to human health.
# If I could be a farmer.... I'd grow organic stevia herbs.
# If I could be an innkeeper.... I would not have turned Mary & Joseph away.
# If I could be a backup dancer.... the stage floor would most likely collapse.
# If I could be an Elvis impersonator.... what a waste my life would be.
Friend For Life | 17.05.05 - 10:26 pm | #
*giggle* Bravo, FFL!
Primrose | Homepage | 18.05.05 - 9:04 am | #
primrose : aiyah. aiyah. is this somesort of chain mail ? that if you dont do it, you are curse with zero hits on your website for the rest of the month ? welcome back !
friend for life : backup dancer ? which type ? only the floor collapse ?
Patrick | Homepage | 18.05.05 - 10:46 am | #
Good point, Patrick. The audience would probably collapse, too, if I was a backup dancer of any type.
Friend For Life | 18.05.05 - 11:11 am | #
friend for life : i am now drinking one cup of tea everyday plus i reduce one cup of coffee so i only limit myself 2 cups or 3 cups of coffee the most a day. will try harder.
Patrick | Homepage | 18.05.05 - 11:41 am | #
That's a good start, Patrick.
That first step is always the hardest.
I'm proud of you. Keep it up !
Friend For Life | 18.05.05 - 12:29 pm | #
Hey, whedja been? How's things? Hope all is well with you.
Yuen Li | Homepage | 19.05.05 - 7:39 am | #
Patrick: Some one tagged me, I ma tag you lor. Don't think it's a chain mail lar. It's sort of for fun.
2 to 3 cups of coffee a day and that's already one cup reduced?? Tsk, tsk, tsk! You caffeine addict ah?
Hi Yuen Li, I'm back, I'm back!! Will put updates by the end of this week. Promise.
Primrose | Homepage | 19.05.05 - 10:15 am | #
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