Monday, January 03, 2005

Blooming PrimrosE

From Heng's camera phone, 2 days ago over lunch. :)

psst! That camera's aiming at me. How-lah?

*laugh* Ok, now that was a funny joke!

Do I really have to? Ok, hurry - can't hold it much longer.

Hmm, a smile in exchange for the lunch? Deal! *ahaks*

5 flowers for this post
Very pretty lah. How I wish my wife is that pretty!!!!!
Peter | 05.01.05 - 10:44 am


michaelooi & MrsT: *blush* Thank you.
Yuen Li: Err... but not suitors. Heh!
Primrose | Email | Homepage | 05.01.05 - 8:57 am


Wat pretty pictures..
MrsT | Email | 05.01.05 - 1:11 am


Hehe, yet another admirer?
Yuen Li | Email | Homepage | 04.01.05 - 5:48 pm


omg, you're adorable !
michaelooi | Email | 03.01.05 - 11:09 pm


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