Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Holiday chores

Lots to do and yet, I don't feel like doing them.

My chores list in order of importance:
1) Make an appointment for an annual medical check-up
2) Go to the bank
3) Make an appointment with the dentist - 6 months check due
4) Rotate car tyres at tyre shop - front wheels to the back and back ones to the front
5) Collect 2 items from the tailor
6) Car needs petrol
7) Send car for a wax
8) Buy envelopes
9) Buy birthday cards
10) Go to the Post Office
11) Hair needs a treatment at the salon
12) Blog this

Hmm, I seem to have completed the more unimportant ones first. Maybe they are easier to achieve and striking chores out from the to-do list seemed an achievement enough. I don't mind procrastinating. I want to procrastinate. Otherwise, there's nothing left to do tomorrow.

Note: Last I checked, the $300 is still there.

2 flowers for this post
MrsT: Hmm, there will still be chores. *makes mental note* Put baby napkins in the wash, get more diapers, feed baby, put baby to bed, play with baby, teach baby alphabets... *wow* Err, I think I'll stick to my list for now. Ahaks! :O
Primrose | Email | Homepage | 01.01.05 - 10:56 am


i'm not such an organised person anymore.. after i have my baby.. !! i used to be.. but i now.. only wanna sleep.. most times.. hehehe!!! and not do a thing.. heh!!
MrsT | Email | 30.12.04 - 1:38 pm


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