Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Wandering or Wondering

A mind that wanders
of green fields to the solid hills
is also a mind that wonders
of expectation blunders

But never lose the imagination
or life be dull
Neither be too loose in the imagination
or make the truth known...

The temptation is quiet
like the mill of the mind
It holds a powerful tool
Where freedom draws no line

Wander, my friend,
of the wonders your mind holds

I can't be dedicating blogs too often but the title to this blog deems so apt for my 2 months of long pause again. P'haps blogging as often as I could should be in my "resolutions" list this year. *wink*

1 flower for this post
Better LATE than never,
So a response from this lifelong learning believer.

I ofTEN wander
into landscapes unknown
in daydreAms
Or on nights when spent alONE

I talk to myself
A voice in wonder whispers back
Yes, I have afRiend
In my wonder-land

I wandreth into your archives today
On Monday, a primeday, could it be in May?
It coud also be in SeptemBER,or OctoBER
When SweetCh(L)arity is all I remember

ylchong | Homepage | 10.10.05 - 6:52 pm | #
