It's a game that lets you build your capital, recruit vassals who are your friends to "work" for you and go to war.

You gain a rank on the game and you gain power. The more vassals you have, the more powerful you become and the higher the rank you climb. You can also earn or steal gold coins. I love stealing!

You start off as a Handmaiden, then a Lady, then a Baroness, then a Viscountess, then a Countess, then a Duchess, then a Marquises, then a....[nobody actually got to a rank higher than a Marquis just yet]. Of course there's a male version too. You start off a Squire, then a Knight, then a Viscount, then a Count, then a Duke, then a Marquis...

I have spent many days and nights building my capital consisting of a marketplace (to do business and earn gold coins), a watchtower, wall and palisade (defenses), barracks (to go to war), hospital (to heal my vassals) and workshop (for workers to build).

Once your defenses are secure, you can then go to war. One can raid for gold coins (in another word, steal), seize a vassal to increase your power (in another word, kidnap) or conquer another (in another word, kill).

One can also join their powers and swear fealty to each other (in other words, collaborate and kill more!).

And I wake up every morning stressing over attacks! Thank goodness for strong wall, palisade and watchtower (in another word, defenses).
The higher the power increases, the more complicated the game gets. Isn't that always the case (in anything we do)? Sigh. Thanks to Wiki-knighthood-help for tips and strategies.
My knight is just about to begin. Come swear fealty to me and go to war!
15 flowers for this post
This is interesting! My love for knighthood began when I started reading historical romances from the likes of Judith McNaught and Johanna Lindsey.
I hope to have ample time to try this. Thanks for sharing! =p
Lene | Homepage | 02.03.08 - 11:44 am | #
Hey Lene, those are my favourite authors too! I have finished all books by McNaught.
Primrose | Homepage | 02.03.08 - 3:51 pm | #
Hehehe!! as long as you are having fun..
Mama BoK | Homepage | 03.03.08 - 1:13 am | #
ah, so u've been lost in Facebook ;p
my Facebook-addict period was over, at least it is for now, nowadays too busy with work (yes i still only have net access at work), plus my boss sends out an email about an interesting article he read "10 bad habits at workplace" as a hint!
kruy | Homepage | 03.03.08 - 6:22 pm | #
Oh, really! Good for you. I'm not finished with 'Every Breath You Take' and I still have to read 'Tender Triumph' & 'Once & Always'. :p
Lene | Homepage | 03.03.08 - 7:58 pm | #
never play games for ages...hmmm...thanks for sharing
charlene | Homepage | 05.03.08 - 2:12 pm | #
i got fedup with facebook that i deleted the acc.....
how r ya lil sis
mike | 18.03.08 - 10:45 am | #
Holy cow. Shouldn't have invited (a.k.a. pushed) you to join Facebook. LOL.
titoki | 18.03.08 - 3:24 pm | #
Swear my allegiance to knighty thee? I am no slave to nobody as I have gone from Socialist on weakdays to Kapitalist on wickedends.
Butt, da GOoD nu'es is I'm steal searching for GIB!
ylchong | Homepage | 20.03.08 - 5:31 pm | #
Hey all,
You cannot imagine what Facebook is doing to me. Hummphh!! Now see what you've done, inviting me to Facebook and all? Hahaha!
I'm still playing a lot of games...will update soon.
Primrose | Homepage | 21.03.08 - 9:43 am | #
I was addicted, then I quit. . . .better than addicted right ?
foodcrazeeaka mike | 26.03.08 - 12:10 pm | #
did the comment go thru ?
foodcrazee aka mike | Homepage | 26.03.08 - 12:18 pm | #
It's nearly April, you have to update soon. :p
Lene | Homepage | 26.03.08 - 10:21 pm | #
Helo~~~ don't forget you still a blog here. Gosh~~~ seem like you addicted deeper in game than me. LOL
Miss you.
fish fish | Homepage | 27.03.08 - 2:47 am | #
Be very careful. I'm sure that warning comes too late. Knighthood 'seized' me more than a year ago. Very few FB games have survived more than a few days on my list, maybe 6. I still play KH almost every day, and often for hours at a time. It's quite possibly the most captivating computer game I have ever played. I also play it on Bebo. I would be honoured if your character would post a little hello on my KH wall. Perhaps I can trick you into creating a Bebo account (just for KH) and you would swear loyalty to me there.
Marquis James | 10.03.09 - 3:31 pm | #
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