Saturday, February 09, 2008

Gong Hei Fatt Choy

Gong Xi Gong Xi! Let's usher in 2008, the Year of the EARTH RAT.

I'd like to introduce ... *gnaw gnaw* ... my other half ... *gnaw gnaw* ... Oops, please excuse the blurry pic. Blame the rat ... *gnaw gnaw*

And guess what?

Ahh, pictures of a thousand words. Our friends got themselves two gambling kits. Picture betting and Number betting (big small) complete with dices and shaker. Their house was a mini gambling den - cards, mahjong and all. Wanna join us? Bet small small only. Starts with RM5. *snigger* By the way, the kits are Made in China. Cool, huh? Wanna get one? *snigger*

CNY sure pok kiau. You would be lying if you say you didn't. Pooh!

FYI, I lost some, gained few. *sighs*

10 flowers for this post
Gong Hei Fatt Choy.. Princess..!! why b/f picture blurry one..??? gotta show face.. so can see whether he is a good boy or not.. muhahahaha!!!
Well.. i wish you happiness always ya.. and better tell yer b/f to treat you good.. else got lots of "ang mohs" .. lining up here for you in Canada..
Mama BoK | Homepage | 10.02.08 - 1:36 am | #


WAHAHAHA! I must ask mah bf to read your comment. Gong Hei Fatt Choy! Good health always, mama bok!
Primrose | Homepage | 11.02.08 - 1:01 am | #


Yey, am so happy to see your other half. And in line for Valentine's day, it's time to show to the world your special someone, right? :p

Keep the love alive!
Lene | Homepage | 11.02.08 - 9:25 pm | #


Happy Chinese New Year girl~~~ Miss you. Work have been really keeping me very busy, until no time go home. *cry*

Must meet the next year I go home.

^_^ Nice blurry pic of your and yours.
fish fish | Homepage | 13.02.08 - 4:44 am | #


Happy Valentine's Day sweetie!
titoki | Homepage | 13.02.08 - 4:59 pm | #


Happy Hearts' Day! Savor the day with the love of your heart.
Lene | Homepage | 14.02.08 - 12:01 pm | #


charlene | Homepage | 14.02.08 - 12:06 pm | #


Surely you can do better with a nice pic of you and your other half.... C'mon, we're dying to see!
M | 15.02.08 - 6:14 pm | #


hello primrose. it has been a while since i updated my blog, hehe, but now i have.
nice to see u introducing "ur other half" - does that mean u'r both engaged or married? anticipating the good news
kruy | Homepage | 19.02.08 - 6:55 pm | #


Happy Chap Goh Meh!
titoki | 21.02.08 - 5:48 pm | #


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