To start off the update, my division had a weekend retreat for staff at Avillion, Port Dickson. I had some fun and gawd knows how much sun my body soaked up this year!

The many candid faces of Primrose
1. Yours truly was nominated the emcee for the retreat. Must have been one popular Primrose for that role
2. Listening very intensely at the Stress Management Workshop
3. Primrose was the chosen one to go into the water, so wear the life jacket!
4. Ughh! Hurry, I need to get out of the water. I need to reach the finishing line!
5. Futsal? Me dunno how to kick. Kick the sand then, I was told.
My 87-year-old grandpa took a fall and quite a bad fall at it. He got himself some stitches on his forehead, a black eye, some cuts on his arms and legs, and a broken hip bone. I played nurse on weekends, if not on weekdays and he's now recovering in the hospital after a hip operation - inserted metal plates in support of the broken bone. Ouch! Aged people out there, never never fall. Young people out there, drink milk!
Then as how the bugs spores out in the weather, I had a throat infection, which gave me a fever, which led to a cough. Completely lost my voice for two days, and am still croaking with dry coughs in-between.
I've been sucking on those blinkin lozenges and strepsils but to no avail. My chest hurts from all the coughing, someone HELP!!!
I was beginning to feel the pressures at work lately. Up to a point where I had symptoms of a panic attack, close to a nervous breakdown. Not a very good piece of news but I switched modes and adopted a can't-be-bothered attitude to calm the nerves. Should things go bad, I'd simply fling a resignation letter and leave. Simple as that, no?
Sakae Sushi had a buy-one-free-one promotion with Citibank credit card holders in the whole month of August.

Just the red plates which cost RM5.90 each on a normal day, now two for the price of one. And as a fan of salmon, oh my! I was stuffing myself silly with red plates at least once a week, twice at the most, three times on the final week!!
So there! Doesn't seem very much but I swear it was July yesterday and it's September today. Where was August?
14 flowers for this post
PrincEss, once upon a time you emailed an easy remedy for what you now have. Remember the advice about Vicks VapoRub on the soles of your feet at night, wearing socks to bed? It sounds like you need to try it.
If you do dump your job, think about a new career in Hollywood. You are always, and naturally, more stunningly pretty than anyone they have over there. You'd be popular in movies.
Friend For Life | 04.09.07 - 3:02 am | #
1) emcee for the day? that's cool :D
2) hope ur grandpa is well and recovers - a primrose a day keeps the doctor away :o LOL
3) ah, a lot of people are getting sick these days with flu, cough, etc. drink more water!
4) pressure at work, sounds too familiar, been having that as well since the new management *sign*
5) yeah my August was gone just like that as well...
kruy | Homepage | 04.09.07 - 12:39 pm | #
hope grandpa gets better!
mrs jeff buckley | Homepage | 05.09.07 - 1:22 am | #
you are back!!!!! :D is good to hear from you again....
MeiyeN | Homepage | 05.09.07 - 2:56 pm | #
Hello Prim, I'm really glad you're back! =p
Now, please get well soon. Hope your grandpa will recover soon too. Time flies so fast really, and as for me, so many things are happening and they're beginning to overwhelm me in a way.
You take care! =p
Lene | 06.09.07 - 8:27 pm | #
Some poetry for PRose:
When the virus cometh
Call the PC techie: Fix It!
When you are stressed at work
Switch off the PC jest play the mousey
When you cough so loud and high
Your boss will ask: Dear, Why?
So you take an EMcee
Another HIatus in PD!
Get wellA!
Try tehtarik with Halia
Comt 2 Furong
I'll also serve thee Puuridge burung
Test drive-lah the red bird
Touche 222,222 nyet?
The silvery cha drove buy
Another red one to set thee high?
ylchong | Homepage | 10.09.07 - 12:25 pm | #
Speedy recovery primrose~!
I've been very sick as well. I also couldn't sleep well and i had to take sleeping pills.
aww..interesting poetry there~!
charlene | Homepage | 10.09.07 - 12:59 pm | #
Hi FFL, you're the 2nd person to remind me of the remedy. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of ointment of any sort. So, Vicks is really out of the question. And I'm still coughing my lungs out. Dang!
Hi kruy, yeah, tell me about new management. Ours just changed too. I am expecting changes. Bleh!
Hi Reta, my grandpa's sort of back to being a baby now. Just big and so not cute.
Yeah, MeiyeN, am around the blogosphere. Just not posting much. Sometimes busy, sometimes just plain lazy.
Hey Lene, allow me to comment? I can't get in. I hope I'd stop coughing too.
Ho Desi, that's very good poetry
Boss already asked "what's wrong with thee?"
And all I did was cough cough cough
And all he said was "off off off!"
That mean old boss must have been fake
Don't think he meant I could take a break
Desi has very good memory, lo behold!
My green car was 111,111 but will never be 222,222
Because it's off to market to be sold!
I'm now in a slivery korean jet
Drinks petrol like a big fat bat
ACCENT is not, after all, that great
I'll be SWIFT-ing the highway in blazing RED!
Hey Char, no good taking pills. So young. Try almond milk with honey *winks* It helps unclog the nose if you've got flu, soothes the throat if it's sore and calms the nerves for insomniacs.
Primrose | Homepage | 10.09.07 - 11:55 pm | #
Ah, PRose:
I'm glad my li'l sweat doeth inspire
Primrose to duet via a benign song of September
"Thank you U! Sieh sieh! Merci, merci, Terima Kasih!"-- Desi
ylchong | Homepage | 11.09.07 - 10:14 am | #
Oh gawd. I miss Malaysia food. Asian food. My mom's food. Hungry now.
titoki | Homepage | 12.09.07 - 7:43 am | #
hi Prim, i do hope you're totally well and good.
I have checked my comment settings and I really wonder why you can't comment. =p
take care girl and how I wish I've known you're birth date so I can greet you. =(
Lene | 14.09.07 - 12:52 pm | #
I hope Grampie is feeling better now.. and you have to take care of yourself.. panic attacks are no good.. it is a sign of something more serious.. do take care..
Mama BoK | Homepage | 15.09.07 - 4:35 pm | #
Your blog looks familiar... seems like i have been here before.
Neways. Get well soon.
Vagus | Homepage | 16.09.07 - 2:57 am | #
ewww, I've made a grammar error, 'you're' was supposed to be 'your'. =)
how are ya?
Lene | 16.09.07 - 9:08 pm | #
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