Sunday, December 31, 2006


No plans for tooh-double-ohh-seven.
No resolutions thought or written.
What can I say for indecisive Primrose.
Just one motto - go with the flow.

And flow the notes, I did.

Spent 5 hours practicing the violin and 2 hours writing notes. The original music sheet is one easy but boring melody but try the pencil-written manuscript in between. It's improvised. It's lively. It's by yours truly. It's only treble though since I did it for violin solo. 4/4 counts in D major. Meant to be accompanied by drums, bass and electric guitar. Think rock!

Happy New Year, peeps!

6 flowers for this post
It's now official - I'm inviting you to join my band. You'll play violin & keyboards whilst simultaneously providing backing vocals.

BTW - welcome to James Bond Year... year (2)007.
Friend For Life | 01.01.07 - 6:42 am | #


happy new year babeee
mrs jeff buckley | Homepage | 01.01.07 - 9:37 pm | #


hey pretty, happy new year to you & your family! many happy returns to you yah! :D
MeiyeN | Homepage | 02.01.07 - 9:12 am | #


I sometimes blow my own trumpet -- Can I join thee in the Band. whatever, James Last or Lust!

Prose ~~ Happy Violining!
ylchong | 02.01.07 - 7:23 pm | #


Happy New Year all! Thanks for wishes.
Primrose | Homepage | 03.01.07 - 9:18 am | #


So when can I hear/see you play?
titoki | Homepage | 03.01.07 - 12:56 pm | #


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