Thursday, April 13, 2006

Lazy and away

I'm really doing this peekaboo stint lately, ain't I? Can't blame me. Am on a long break and am feeling extremely lazy. Pardon me, all of you mere mortals who have to work. *snigger snigger* I'll come in some day to take a peek and say "BOO!", okay? *snigger snigger*

Ironically, I still don't get enough sleep. On days I planned to wake up late in the morning, I had to visit the Income Tax Department to settle my taxes. On days I planned to take an afternoon nap, shopaholic me had to be out shopping in town. On days I planned to turn in early, don't know why I'll end up sleeping in the wee hours. I'll be a national treasure in China, a friend commented - the Panda! Yeah, black eye rings lingering. *sigh*

Oh well, it's pretty late now. I did plan to get an early shut-eye tonight. I won't be blogging for the next week or so. Feel free to flood my inbox with emails and my tagboard with messages and my garden with buds and flowers.

*skips off gaily*

5 flowers for this post
i hope you get a good rest.. ! and do lots of eating.. and shopping eh..??
And some loving of course..!
Mama BoK | Homepage | 14.04.06 - 3:21 am | #


enjoy... whatever u do!
kruy | Homepage | 14.04.06 - 7:16 am | #


Buy, bye,
Skip off crooked bridge,
Into the "waves".
ylchong | Homepage | 14.04.06 - 7:38 pm | #


take care lil sis...
foodcrazee | Homepage | 17.04.06 - 6:05 pm | #


Yes, do stop and smell the flowers....
Bkworm | Homepage | 18.04.06 - 1:50 pm | #


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