These frogs sure are big

There, a closer look

Stir-fry frogs in ginger and spring onions. Yummy! Sure looks like a chicken dish

There, a closer look. I see one of the legs. Heh!

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err,..... dats bull frog called "Ngau Wor" not the usual thinn kai. The normal frog that we usually ate is kinda rare now and difficult to cultivate. This bull frogs cultivated are fed with pellets and they are pure LAZY ! so the texture is not so good.
Sorry to tell u all this but it is the fact!
foodcrazee | 03.11.05 - 11:18 pm | #
Hey there foodcrazee, no worries. Keep telling me. This is all new to me. Never knew all that. I'm sure readers would appreciate this as well.
For me, as long as it's frogs, I call them theen kai. Whenever I go into a chinese restaurant, I'll ask for theen kai. Either keong chung (ginger with spring onions), kung pou (dried chillies wtih black soy sauce), ching ching (plainly steamed with ginger or with chicken essence) or marmite frogs. Yumm!!
How about the dried ones they use in herbal soup (supposedly for blood cleansing and skin)? I boil that too, normally with dried seahorses as well.
Primrose | Homepage | 03.11.05 - 11:29 pm | #
Marmite frogs? That's something new. I only use marmite in rice porridge and as a spread for toasted bread. I was pulling a stalk of lemon grass in my garden yesterday and saw a few tiny black frogs with white dots on them. They were as tiny as fingernails. Wonder what they're called? Won't even dream of eating frogs, no thanks.
Amber Amethryne | 04.11.05 - 12:53 am | #
Amber, i got noidea what kind of frog is that. Not that expert cept for the normal frog we ate.
Marmite Frog ? heard of marmite chicken but marmite frog ? never tried the dried frogs. prefer them fresh and steamed with ginger and a lil wine, sesame oil garnish with coriander and spring onion. Never even tasted sea horse as i dont eat lots of things . How do i earn my nick then ? lolz. Actually, i'm in WWF and a lot of animals I dont eat.
foodcrazee | 04.11.05 - 10:43 am | #
the last time i ate frogs was like maybe 15 years back. the 3rd and 4th pics do look appetizing. but after looking at the 5th one....i lost my appetite. no frogs for this year !
Patrick Leong | Homepage | 04.11.05 - 10:58 am | #
Yup frogs!! Real tasty & yummy. U can't find them in the wild anymore. Only at chinese restaurants. Next time we go for kung po or marmite, OK??
chiki | 04.11.05 - 11:53 am | #
Ohhhh..!! what an ugly frog..!! i used to have to eat this.. when i was a kid.. because of bad skin..i hated it.. with a passion..! but i grew to love it.. as an adult.. but now that i see how ugly it is.. i prolly won't eat it again.. hahah!!
Mama BoK | Homepage | 04.11.05 - 12:59 pm | #
Hey Amber, frogs as tiny as fingernails? Erm, don't know what they are called either. Probably can ask Tom Thumb. Hehe!
Marmite frog is yummy like marmite chicken or marmite porkribs, foodcrazee. But I had some advice though: Frogs are better eaten fresh and steamed because when they are in dark sauce or deep fried, you won't know whether they are fresh anymore.
Oopsie daisy Patrick and MamaBok! My pic turned you off aye? Hehe! I assure you they were really yummy, saucy and succulent. Burrrrpppp!
Like I mentioned, chiki, maybe marmite dishes are best with pork ribs. I'll want to try frogs steamed with herbs (dong guai and kei chi) and wine though.
Primrose | Homepage | 04.11.05 - 1:19 pm | #
'nuff said.
cyber-red | Homepage | 04.11.05 - 11:53 pm | #
Primrose, with herbs and wine is good too but as u said, u wont know whether it is fresh anymore as the herbs covers the taste.
The last i ate was like er.... 4 yrs back. Now, if i have i eat, if not, i dont lose out.
foodcrazee | 05.11.05 - 7:45 pm | #
ARGH! *averts eyes*
Yuen Li | Homepage | 06.11.05 - 8:01 am | #
Reta/Yuen Li: Aiyah, don't lar. Yummilicious wor. Hehe
4 years ago, foodcrazee? Time to perk up the taste buds. Heh, heh!
Primrose | Homepage | 06.11.05 - 9:21 am | #
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