8 flowers for this post
*big smile*
ahhh, it's up... well, i'm glad to be of help!~ :D
i'll sit down again when i'm free... after looking again, methinks the brightness and contrast needs to be bumped down some... *thinks* oh, don't mind me :P
well, you're happy with it... i guess that's the most important thing aye? *winks*
seth.frostheart | Homepage | 16.07.05 - 4:05 am | #
Every image portrays 100% pure PrincEss.
Friend For Life | 16.07.05 - 9:48 am | #
hey you pretty what ... why no bf keh ? plus you baik hati. you choosy issit ?
Patrick | Homepage | 16.07.05 - 11:55 am | #
Hi Seth, I'm bouncing about and am happy, happy. See? I'm so easy. Hur, hur! But yeah, feel free to edit and you know where to send it!
FFL: With no added sugar and preservatives. *wink*
Patrick: Haiyah, maybe me too pretty, boys don't dare ask me leh? *perasan betul* Ahem, and yes lor, me very baik hati, that's why people always bully me one. Me choosy ah? Hmm, maybe I'm not choosing, that's why nobody got chosen. Heh, heh!
Primrose | Homepage | 17.07.05 - 10:19 pm | #
OMG so nice i want also can can??
minishorts | Homepage | 18.07.05 - 11:49 am | #
Primrose's guys' filtration system is so............"strict"...
lambdaori | 18.07.05 - 12:45 pm | #
Hi minishorts, you want Primrose or you want 9spaces leh? *winky, winks* If you want primrose, no problem. Come to my garden and pluck one lor. If want 9spaces leh, oooo, must ask the art director himself oh!
Ooo lambdaori, how d'ya know? Heh, heh!
Primrose | Homepage | 18.07.05 - 4:09 pm | #
aiyoh so cuteeeeeeee =))
cyber-red | Homepage | 22.07.05 - 3:02 pm | #
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