Ronald and Chew who came all the way from Singapore

That's Ling Ling's hubby, 2-year-old daughter and herself

Schien and Mee Kee

One for the album - the Australian graduates!
From left: Schien, Ling Ling, Me, Sim (bride), Ronald, Chew, Ade (bridesmaid)
3 flowers for this post
Friend for Life: Thank you. *blush*
MrsT: *still blushing* I actually bought that dress specially for the dinner a week before. I was careful, err, not to overshadow Sim. ;) A bride will always remain a bride on her wedding day. :)
Primrose | Email | Homepage | 10.12.04 - 3:43 pm
Very pretty dress.. hmmmm.. and in pink..!! i tot you were the bride.. hehehe!!
MrsT | Email | 09.12.04 - 3:40 am
Ah & Wow.
Primrose, you look every bit the PrincEss that I've always known you to be.
Friend For Life | 29.11.04 - 10:05 am
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