Thursday, July 02, 2009


I have a habit of keeping my petrol receipts and count them half yearly:
1) just for the fun of it
2) to keep tab of my petrol expenses
3) make a claim for it
4) gap at the amount I actually spend just driving around
5) All of the above

So from January till end June 2009, I have actually spent about ... *punching numbers on calculator* ... Ahh! A not-so-whopping RM1100.00 (USD366) on petrol!! That's an average of RM183.00 (USD61) a month - only.

Eh? That's not too bad. In fact, not bad at all considering that petrol prices actually went up by so much in the beginning of the year and considering that previous half-yearly(s), I actually spend at least RM300.00 (USD100) a month! Ah, I know why...
1) My one-year-old car is fuel efficient
2) I am staying home more
3) I am going out less
4) Less weekend shopping sprees
5) All of the above

The only drawback would be my highway toll charges. I have RM700.00 (USD233) worth of receipts and that's an average of RM116.00 (USD39) a month! Now that's a lot of highway tolls.

Nonetheless ... *pats self on the back*

Wow, I'm still amazed at how well I've done - financially, I mean. Must have been my hobby-turned-business handmade jewellery activity. It keeps me at home, keep my hands busy, (but) makes my eyes tired and keeps my wallet full. I'm so pleased. :)

And if you're wondering why I haven't been updating so frequently, you can find out here

6 flowers for this post
Yawnnnn. Cant understand how boring n mundane some blogs can get.
Kulz | 08.07.09 - 9:58 pm | #


ouch! thats like near 2k for ur travel expenses.......thats a lot
foodcrazee | 14.07.09 - 3:05 am | #


*gasp* that's a lot of toll fee!!! Well, soon you'll be able to enjoy the discount that our PM is offering
moomoo4u | 16.07.09 - 4:18 pm | #


Heeee... I did that for every single expenses whenever I moved to a new place for the first two months. Then... I became lazy and lost track. :P Hey dear, I wrote a message to you on facebook, so sorry I missed it.
fish fish | Homepage | 18.07.09 - 1:26 am | #


Kulz: Thanks for watering my garden

Foodcrazee: And I thought this was an ok amount!!!

moomoo4u: Hey E!! Glad you dropped by to water my garden. Yes indeed. Can't wait for the 20%. Not much but it sure will be of help.

fishfish: I have replied you and am waiting for your meowmeow address.
Primrose | Homepage | 21.07.09 - 9:33 pm | #


That's good financial planning and monitoring.

I too keep track of my petrol bills and I spent about RM400 a month and Toll charges also RM400 a month.
Maverick SM | Homepage | 23.07.09 - 12:48 am | #

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